Centralised Assignment

In collaboration with 

Developed as an extension of the SymlConnect patient monitoring system for the Central database users of an ICB or a PCN for population monitoring, providing the ability for authenticated Users to assign messages/questionnaires to the patients within their region with appropriate Opt In from the GP practices - a very novel and new concept to support both clinical and social aspects of public access for information. Syml can offer the Opted in GP practices the ability to log into the system to view their own practice patient response reports on Dashboards and use the interactive analytics.

For the Clinical System users & Central Users:
  • Assistive digital technology and remote data capture functionality enhances the accuracy and completeness of patient data collection.
  • Practice reach is greatly expanded to include those who don’t visit regularly, not needing to visit the doctor until required and capturing the previously untapped data.
  • Capability to customise questionnaire response process to reflect clinical assessment protocols, followed by patient prompting and signposting as relevant.
  • Achieve practice targets with much less resource use.
  • Achieve Population monitoring with far less effort for at-risk assessment, surveys, information sharing or clinical monitoring.