Saves time, Saves delays, Saves at-risk conditions.

An effective, efficient yet simple public health supportive process fully integrated with GP systems.

Patient Initiated Responses Process Flow

Patient-initiated data sharing is an essential step in improving the quality of patient care. Being able to supply critical information according to their needs, empowers the patients to actively participate in their own care. Assists in enhancing care delivery and achieve desired patient outcomes.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) avoidance and identification via timely blood pressure monitoring is a critical global health challenge, aiming to prevent premature deaths, strokes and development of Ischaemic heart disease. A recently published national statistics Health Survey for England highlighted hypertension prevalence in 30% of male and female adults, increasing further in ages ranging 45-64 years (25% of males with untreated hypertension) and 65+ (with over 25% of females having the untreated condition).

Syml's assistive remote monitoring system was adapted to offer GP practices and Community organisations the ability of large scale population monitoring without any extra administrative pressures on their resources. An automated and secured patient-initiated Blood Pressure data collection achieved simply via publicly displayed QRCODE scanning.

Relevant prompts and essential signposting logics, based on their response values, provides the added value to the patients.

Comprehensive interactive reports and intelligent threshold RAG alerts eases patient prioritisation and timely targeted care delivery by their clinical providers.
